September Horoscope


This month's theme is all about pressing RESET.  Are there certain areas in your life that feel ready for change? Prepare for a month of transformation on all levels - mind, body, and spirit.

The month begins with Virgo season. It’s a beautiful time to clarify your priorities and set yourself up with positive routines. There are still many retrograde planets so it's important to go slowly.

The pace will gently start to shift as Mercury and Venus station direct and we welcome the Spring Equinox. Nature is mirroring the changes going on within you. What needs to be let go? What new adventures are you ready to embrace?

Key Dates

4th Venus stations direct in Leo

We begin to regain confidence in our relationships and business projects anstartd we can see with greater clarity the lessons we needed to learn over the past 6 weeks.

15th New Moon in Virgo

A time of purposeful new beginnings. This is an opportunity to declutter old energy and welcome a fresh start. What healthy habits and positive routines can you embrace?

16th Mercury stations direct in Virgo

Communication becomes clearer after the past three weeks of Mercury retrograde activity.. We are better able to rationalise, think logically and notice the finer details.

23rd Libra season + Spring Equinox begins

This is a time of transition. Ask yourself where you can bring more balance to your life and how you can support your nervous system through the change of season ahead.

29th Full Moon in Aries

This full moon is fiery and full of emotion. Can you allow yourself to feel powerful? This is a time to let go of doubts and fears, believe in yourself, and step into the unknown.


This month, the winds of change are around you. Prepare to upgrade your daily habits and routines. What practices allow you to feel grounded, supported, and uplifted? Prioritise these and implement them regularly. Small shifts to your daily routines might appear modest initially, but with consistency, will allow you to thrive long-term. Every day ask; what small action can I take to move the needle in my life in a positive way? The past six weeks asked you to journey deep into your heart and to feel in ways that you have previously felt afraid to. How was your heart cracked open? Where did you witness yourself closing down? What relationships proved worthy of your time? What relationships did you need to cut ties from? Your relationships are a great mirror, and there is wisdom to be gleaned from your recent experiences. You are moving into this month with greater clarity and confidence about the qualities you need within relationships. The full moon shines in your sign at the end of the month causing emotions to surge. Find safe spaces to express how you truly feel. You’ll experience a burning desire to be seen and respected. If there is something you’ve wanted to put out into the world, a project you’ve wanted to start, or a conversation you’ve wanted to open up, now is the time to believe in yourself and step into unknown territory.  Act without expectation but with full trust.


This month is a time to let your inner child come alive, be playful, and do what truly brings you joy. You need to ask yourself the harder questions. What in your life has become stale and stagnant? Where is the joy no longer flowing? You have the power this month to interrupt any unhelpful patterns of behaviour that have been looping on repeat. Of course, there will be some hard work and challenges involved, but you can choose to approach tough situations with a light-hearted attitude. When you’re in a light-hearted state, your body is able to relax, your mind is able to open up, and you are able to see setbacks as opportunities and find creative solutions to long-held problems. There was a lot to learn about money last month. What was revealed to you about your own spending habits? This month you start to gain more confidence and clarity around your finances. Ask: What are my values? And; what are the things that prove to be a good investment of my time, money, and energy? Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign asking you to look at areas in your life you wish to grow. What do you want to be known for? How do you want to be seen in the world? Who do you want to inspire and impact? Let these answers fuel your next steps and motivate you to grow your self-confidence. The full moon at the end of the month is a great time to go within and find stillness. 


This month is a great time to revive your home space and ultimately redefine what home means to you. Home really is where the heart is, and that becomes evident at the end of the month. The first few weeks of the month are a great time to spring clean, declutter, and rearrange things so that you can invite fresh energy into your life. The later phase of the month feels more playful but the first phase is about setting a strong foundation. What do you need to do to create a sense of safety in your body? What allows your nervous system to feel relaxed and at ease? When you know how to calm your nervous system, your inner child feels safe to express itself, and your inner child will certainly come alive at the end of the month. You learned a lot about friendship and community over the past 6 weeks. What do you value in those closest to you? What kind of people are you willing to welcome into your life? You have also learned a lot about love and money recently. It is important to take these lessons into the next chapter of your life. Mercury is retrograde for most of this month so it’s important to connect more with your intuition than your logical mind when it comes to making decisions. The full moon at the end of the month highlights your big goals and aspirations. You might feel particularly emotionally charged. Connect with passion over fear. 


This month, you're in the process of refining your message and clarifying what you stand for. Who do you aspire to inspire? Consider that you're becoming the person your younger self wished existed in the world. Picture the energy of that person. Take some time to journal about it. As the weeks unfold, you may feel inspired to adjust your daily routine, aligning it with the change of season ahead. What small tweaks do you intuitively know you need to make? You have the power to inject more happiness into your day-to-day life and it requires you to step outside of old and familiar territory. In the coming weeks, allow your walls to soften. Embrace vulnerability, and consider opening up to trusted individuals about your deepest insecurities, fears, hopes, and desires. While privacy is important to you, sharing with those you trust can lead to unexpected support. You need to remember that you are worthy of receiving support. There’s no need for shame or fear. You may have felt confused or disheartened over the past 6 weeks as it relates to your mission and purpose but this month reignites a spark inside of you, and it is time to step more into the spotlight. The month closes out with a full moon in your zone of career. Look out for opportunities to grow in your business. Reflect on lessons from the past six weeks, especially as it relates to career and self-worth. Deep down you know what you need to do. You simply need to believe you are worthy.


This month, Venus stations directly in your sign. Your overall magnetism charm and sweetness are dialled right up. You may have been questioning your life direction and sense of personal identity over the past 6 weeks. Questions like; “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” “Where am I supposed to be going?” “What am I supposed to be doing?” may have been floating around your mind. All the retrograde activity has been encouraging you to reflect on your life. What is bringing you joy? What is keeping you stuck? Your soul is seeking change now and you can expect to receive more and more clarity as the weeks go on. You are going to be more present with your community this month whether that is through your physical presence or simply checking in online. The intention is what matters most, and you need to prioritise social connection. This month also offers an excellent opportunity for career growth. Reflect on the value you've brought to the world through your work this year. Assess the roles you've taken on and whether they’ve allowed your authenticity to shine. If you have been suppressing your authenticity, September is the time to really let it be seen. The full moon at the end of the month signals adventure. Where are you planning to journey to next? Use your newfound confidence to dream big and embrace the exciting possibilities ahead.


This month offers you a beautiful, blank canvas to paint the life you've always dreamed of. Ultimately it is about turning your blinkers on and focusing on the unique path that lies before you; the one that only you can traverse. While it's perfectly fine to find inspiration in others, it's crucial to remember that admiring someone doesn't mean you're meant to emulate their journey. Just because you like who they are doesn’t mean you are designed to do life like them.  You have your own unique way of achieving success and experiencing fulfilment. If you feel unclear on what your authentic path looks like, that’s okay. Use the next few weeks to unplug from all the outside noise. Your path, your vision, and your dreams are contained within you, waiting to be unveiled. Over the past 6 weeks, you may have learned the value of solitude, time in contemplation, and time in rest. When you carve out space in your day, you unlock a world of wisdom within. At the end of the month, your attention will be called toward your finances and daily work. What shifts are needed? How can you open yourself up to more prosperity and abundance? The full moon at the end of the month is one that may feel charged with emotion. Notice if you feel heated or flighty. Take time to ground and breathe so that you can make rational decisions. If you feel closed off from others, remind yourself it is safe to open up and be seen. It is also safe to receive.


This month Mars is in your sign, giving you an extra boost of passion, ambition, and an ability to go after what you want. Sometimes that fickle mind of yours may not know what it wants but you are encouraged to connect with your heart this month, rather than your head. Introverted practices like meditation and journaling can help to calm a busy mind and connect you with your inner wisdom. Libra season begins on the same day as the spring equinox signalling a change in your overall life direction. Implement healthy practices that support your mind, body, and soul so that when change arises you have a strong foundation in place. During this shift of season, you will need to constantly bring yourself back into balance. Identify areas where you may be giving away too much of your energy, whether that is to a relationship, work project, or problem that needs solving. These external things can divert attention away from your own inner needs. In the realm of relationships, expect your network to expand this month, both in-person and online. Your charming personality will work wonders in winning people over. It's also a good time to review your financial investments. Assess their growth this year and whether they remain worthwhile. The full moon is a time to reflect on your communication style. Are you speaking your truth? If not, now is the time to express what really lives within.


This month is all about dreaming big and slaying the internal dragon. Affirm to yourself that you are no longer available for self-sabotaging behaviour. Inner doubts, fears, and self-criticism may creep in from time to time, but remember that your thought patterns are a choice, and you can choose to think differently. It will take practice but it is certainly possible. Each morning as you wake up, remind yourself of times that you have succeeded, felt joyful, created meaningful connections, and been aligned to your purpose. Recalling these positive experiences helps you to embody an expansive energy that attracts more success. You will feel very spiritually connected this month. Pay attention to messages you receive through your dreams and synchronicities that arise in your daily life. Nothing is by accident. You are starting to gain more confidence in your career this month and the path ahead is becoming clearer. How do you want to be seen in the world? What is the legacy you want to leave behind? Keep these aspirations at the forefront of your mind in the coming weeks. Opportunities for growth within your relationships are also present. You may need to have a few confronting conversations but the aftermath is definitely worth it. The full moon shines light on your daily routines. What new habits can you implement that allow you to feel empowered and energised? 


This month is an excellent opportunity to set new goals for expanding your career and achieving financial growth. It is time to break through any self-imposed limitations, shattering the glass ceiling that may have held you back. Take a moment to reflect on where you may have been unconsciously restricting yourself. September is a month for upgrading every area of your life. The way you present yourself on the world stage is evolving. Visualise this next-level version of you and the life that they lead. You might find yourself presented with multiple options over the next few weeks, making it challenging to choose just one path. Remember that there is no wrong decision. Whatever you choose, you'll encounter valuable lessons. Be courageous enough to follow the path that aligns with your intuition's call. Your curious and adventurous spirit may beckon you to travel this month. It's an ideal time to break away from routine and explore new environments. This could involve leaving the country or simply discovering a new park in your neighbourhood. During the full moon, listen to the wisdom your inner child has to offer. If you've experienced triggers throughout the month, use these moments to delve into deep-seated beliefs formed in childhood. Evaluate whether these beliefs still serve you today or if there are more empowering alternatives to embrace.


This month you must remain open-minded. Don’t hastily accept things at face value. Should you encounter challenges or unexpected twists along your path, take a deep breath, and consciously pause to ponder, "What hidden opportunities lie within this moment?" Challenge yourself to find the silver linings. This month is rich with opportunities for your soul to grow, and you must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. As a Capricorn, you feel most comfortable when in control, but this month is about handing over the reins to a higher power and allowing yourself to sit back and enjoy the ride. Prepare to explore new horizons and embrace unfamiliar faces. The world really is your canvas for learning over the next few weeks. Last month, you learned a lot about relationships, what you value in your close partnerships and the way you deserve to be treated. It is time to really apply those lessons. As you enter new environments, you may find that new mentors enter your life who can provide you with wonderful guidance. The end of the month will strengthen your sense of ambition and new career opportunities will present themselves. You are able to go after what you want with precision. Under the full moon, it’s a good time to express gratitude for the moments that enriched your life and release that which no longer serves you. 


This month is an invitation to dive deeper into your own self-discovery. You are a beautiful and complex individual and there is so much more than meets the eye. Your history is full of interesting experiences and memories that make you who you are today. This month will provide multiple opportunities to explore your subconscious, confront unresolved issues, and gain a deeper understanding of your own psyche. It is a wonderful month to do some deep-clearing work. You will benefit from tidying up your physical spaces as well as decluttering your mind and emotions. Situations will arise that highlight old thought patterns and emotions. You are empowered to interrupt the unhelpful cycles of behaviour.  Reflect on the valuable lessons you learned in your relationships last month. Were there individuals you needed to distance yourself from, or did your connection with someone feel disjointed? Don’t dismiss your intuitive hunches. This month you will learn how to really assert your voice in relationships. While you may excel at advocating for others, it's now essential to speak up for yourself. Express your needs, desires, and boundaries, and ensure that your voice is heard and respected. The full moon will help to clear your throat chakra. Engage in open, honest dialogue and you will learn who is truly there to support you.


This month, the spotlight is on your relationships. So much healing and growth that can occur over the next few weeks. Begin by identifying the five closest individuals in your life. This includes those in close physical proximity, as well as those you expend a lot of mental energy on. Write down their names and consider whether they are having a positive or negative influence on you and why. Consider the qualities you value and appreciate in each of them. Now evaluate how you are showing up in these relationships. Are you present, communicative, and genuine in your interactions? Are you honouring your own needs? Are there areas where you can improve? All of this deeper inquiry can help you to foster healthier and more fulfilling connections and will allow you to realise the type of personal and professional relationships you want to nurture and manifest in your life. This month also inspires you to implement new routines that promote health and vitality. What self-care habits can you embrace? What self-sabotaging habits can you let go of? Welcome this fresh start. The full moon at the end of the month brings attention to your career. What projects or working relationships feel fulfilling? What changes need to be made? Use this time as a moment of release, allowing you to step into your personal power. The space is being cleared for new career opportunities and growth.

Horoscope by Hannah Crerar
Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology.

Image : @matthewtleung

Hannah Crerar

Hannah specialises in Soul Psychology, Chakra and Meridian Theory, Trauma Informed Yoga tools and Astrology


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